A walk is scheduled for this Sunday at 12 Noon sharp, at the https://conservationhamilton.ca/conservati.../dundas-valley/ The walk leader is Jamie, form up at the main building. He will be leading you on the main loop see the website link for details on this loop, it is 4.3kms, and on a scale of … [Read More...]
City of Waterfalls News

Warm Winter Weather Illumination At Sherman Fall
The volunteers lit up Sherman Falls Sunday February 25th. Thanks to all those that helped and for all the food donations. … [Read More...]
Sherman Falls Illumination
The volunteers will be lighting up Sherman Falls on Sunday February 25th, 2018. Lights will go on from approximately 6:25 PM to 7:25 PM. There is an HCA parking lot on Artaban Road. Lion's Club Road is signed No Parking. Car pool if possible. Bring a few dollars to support the HCA ($2 an hour for … [Read More...]
A Waterfall Safety Message From The City Of Hamilton
From the City Of Hamilton Parks And Recreation Department: Hamilton is home to more than 100 waterfalls, and with one of the highest number of waterfalls of any urban area of its size, has been called the Waterfall Capital of the World. Many of the waterfalls are found along the Niagara … [Read More...]
It’s That Time Of Year Again ….. Stay Safe
In light of the recent rescues at our local waterfalls, once again here is some great safety information from our friends at The Escarpment Project: Hiking And Safety Tips and Waterfalls Of Ontario: Waterfalls Disclaimer Please stay on established trails and wear proper footwear when visiting … [Read More...]
Victoria Day Weekend Illumination At Albion Falls May 20th
Long weekend illumination at Albion Falls - lights on around 9:15PM tonight (May 20th)! If you want to help with the setup please show up around 8:30PM - the more helpers, the easier it is. Be safe! The City Of Waterfalls and the City Of Hamilton are not responsible for your safety. Good hiking … [Read More...]