Good Morning Everyone!!! Spring is here, the birds have returned the snow is starting to melt, our frozen waterfalls are springing to life, mother nature is revealing a side we have not seen for what seems like forever!!! BUT, what is also being revealed is GARBAGE !!!!! My never ending fight to collect garbage at our waterfalls and surrounding areas is once again underway as the snow that melts reveals what has been left behind by the masses over the winter months. Over the winter months we have had a handful of organized waterfall walks but with the spring here our usual walks will once again start up. I found some video and pictures when we started this about 7 years ago that I will post up showing the great people of Hamilton and tourists from outside our city getting involved as well. Our organized garbage clean ups as usual consist of a bbq, along with garbage pickers, bags, gloves, you just need to bring yourself and away we go ! There are some incredible groups in Hamilton, that do organized garbage cleanups all year long, boy scouts, church groups, even a family that I talked to that said every year going back 4 decades they go to a waterfall and do a family hike and clean up. The City has responded and together we started and formed new strategies, programs and different ways to combat and collect all the garbage, TOGETHER we all are making a difference!!!! Getting involved with either an organized clean up or what thousands do solo, its a simple concept, on your next walk, take a garbage bag and collect garbage and send us a pic, we will post it up of your efforts. Myself and Mother Nature thank you 🙂 …read more